Report for the World doubles down on global local news crisis, welcomes new corps members

Report for the World is pleased to announce the selection and placement of 15 new corps members, effectively doubling the size of its reporting corps in eight countries. The journalists will cover under-reported areas such as climate change, environment, criminal and social justice, education, healthcare, and civil liberties. 

Report for the World, an initiative of The GroundTruth Project, will provide salary and training support; however, the corps members’ reporting will remain editorially independent.

“Our newest corps members bring an impressive mix of subject-specific backgrounds – from legal experts to environment, health, science, and education-focused reporters,” said Preethi Nallu, Report for the World’s global director. “Each newsroom selected the respective corps members following a competitive call for applications and a meticulous interview process where they sought critical area expertise, gender diversity, language and technical skills, and compatible values.”

The corps members, who will become full-time employees of their newsrooms for up to three years, are:

  • Gabriela Martínez Córdova, covering migration and gender, for Conexión Migrante
  • Violeta Santiago, doing investigative reporting, for Quinto Elemento
  • Sukanya Shaji, covering gender and law, for The News Minute
  • Bhavani Etikala, covering caste, for The News Minute
  • Prajwal Bhat, covering civil liberties, for The News Minute
  • Melody Cleopatra Mpande, covering public health, for The Citizen Bulletin
  • Calvin Manika, covering environment, for The Citizen Bulletin
  • Nathallia Fonseca, covering gender issues, for Agência Pública
  • Aldem Bourscheit, covering environment, for ((o))eco
  • Cleberson Santos, covering environment and health, for Agência Mural
  • Zita Szopkó, covering education, for Atlatszo
  • Dmitry Simonov, covering climate change, for Ukrainska Pravda
  • Daniel Ojukwu, covering police, for Foundation for Investigative Journalism
  • Segun Ige, covering social justice, for Foundation for Investigative Journalism

A journalist covering the environment, for Convoca, is yet to be named. A full listing of the entire corps, with links to their bios and work can be found here.

The new corps members have already completed world-class training in journalism safety, cyber security, international collaboration, and story design with GroundTruth staff.

“As the program becomes truly global, we are delighted to welcome these incredibly talented journalists and their newsrooms to our network of support,” said Kevin Grant, GroundTruth’s co-founder and chief partnerships officer. “Independent journalism is threatened in many ways, but incredible things happen when we work together.”

Report for the World is made possible by founding partners the MacArthur Foundation and Google News Initiative, along with family foundations and individual donors worldwide. The program is forging its first partnerships in Eastern Europe thanks to essential support from Microsoft.

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About Report for the World

Report for the World is an international journalism program that matches local newsrooms with talented journalists to report on undercovered issues around the globe. By creating a more sustainable and impactful media ecosystem, Report for the World informs, engages, and enables communities through public service journalism. Report for the World is an initiative of The GroundTruth Project, an award-winning nonprofit journalism organization dedicated to rebuilding journalism from the ground up.