Taiwo Adebulu


Reporter Profile

Taiwo Adebulu is a Lagos-based journalist with seven years of experience in investigative and development journalism. He holds a bachelor degree in Language Arts from Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, and a master’s degree in Communication Arts Education from the University of Ibadan (UI). In 2014, Taiwo began his journalism career as a freelance reporter with The Nation, Nigeria’s widest circulating newspaper. His story on the plight of children who fish in the Atlantic Ocean to pay for school won the continental 2017 Zimeo Excellence in Media Awards in Ethiopia. Taiwo was shortlisted as a finalist for The Future Awards Africa Prize for Journalism 2018. In 2020, he won the PwC Media Excellence Awards. Taiwo also won the overall prize at the African Fact-Checking Awards in 2020 for his investigative piece that exposed the falsehood of a claim by Nigeria’s minister of environment: that seven federal universities were running strictly on renewable energy.

Beat: Fact-checking

In September 2019, disinformation and misinformation about xenophobic attacks on Nigerians in South Africa led to reprisals in Nigeria. South African businesses across major cities in the country were looted and razed, affecting the biggest economies on the continent. Misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines is also posing a great challenge for the eradication of coronavirus in the country. This desk will anticipate and prevent such dangerous misinformation in Nigeria and on the continent. Experience as a fact checker is a significant advantage.