
While Brazil is home to 60% of the Amazon rainforest, a crucial and delicate ecosystem known as “the lungs of the world,” and over 300 indigenous tribes, the issues of land usage and land rights remain both crucial and undercovered. At the same time, a national populist movement led by the head of state Jair Bolsonaro seeks to undermine public trust in the news media, making a free and independent press in Brazil is more vital than ever. We need to support local news that centers around communities historically disenfranchised and forgotten by the media.

Our First Corps Members

These emerging journalists in Brazil care about public service and are covering stories that inform, engage, strengthen and serve local communities.

Our Local Partners

We’re working with Marco Zero and InfoAmazoniatwo independent, digital news organizations, to support our first ever expansion to Latin America.

Become a Leading Supporter

We’re always looking for allies who believe in a sustainable and free press in Brazil, especially for communities that need it the most.