Supporting Report for the World

Our work is made possible by a range of philanthropic partners who care deeply about the power of a free press in society, for those who need it the most. Our funding guidelines guarantee that our program, including our host newsrooms and corps members, will operate with editorial independence and freedom.

Where the Money Goes

Report for the World delivers trusted and fair journalism to those who need it the most. And, every dollar we raise is matched by the local community, either through the newsroom itself, or through local fundraising, building community buy-in around the corps member’s work.

We also spend money on the program itself: training, evaluation, recruitment and more. Our goal is to enable corps members to report in the most impactful way.

Our model is scalable because it is driven by our partner newsrooms. We work closely with them to identify converge gaps and increase their reporting capacity.

Founding Supporters

The Bake Family Trust 

Feinberg Family Foundation

Google News Initiative

MacArthur Foundation



Newman’s Own Foundation

Springpoint Partners

Robin D’Alessandro

Susie Trees

Support Our Work

Your donation promotes a sustainable and free press around the world, for communities that need it the most.