A Call to Service​

We seek to strengthen communities around the world through local journalism that informs, engages and enables.

The crisis in local news is global

Local public service journalism is at risk globally. The dramatic economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted news organizations that were already under great stress.

The voices of people most affected by decisions made by the powerful are left out. Misinformation spreads quickly and critical stories go untold.

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The Solution​

Report for the World is a service program that matches local newsrooms with talented emerging journalists to report on under-covered issues around the globe. An initiative of The GroundTruth Project, Report for the World builds on a history of on-the-ground reporting to build a more sustainable and more impactful model.


How It Works

Local news organizations answer to our call for application by making the case that they have urgent gaps in their coverage and proposing a beat to address it. If selected we’ll work together to find journalists with a commitment to serving their communities to fill these gaps. 

Report for the World pays half the salary of a first-year corps member, while asking the partner newsroom to match the other half. We offer coaching and support to partner newsrooms to raise the other half of the salary through earned revenue, philanthropy, and crowdfunding. 

Report for the World corps members receive world-class training and mentorship and join an international network of journalists committed to transformative, on-the-ground reporting.

By the Numbers

Our first cohort launched in the spring of 2021 with partner newsrooms in India and Nigeria. The following year we expanded to six more countries. Within five years, we aim to support 500 corps members worldwide.


Who We Are

Report for the World is the latest initiative from The GroundTruth Project. Our staff and advisory board is made up of global leaders from across the journalism and nonprofit sectors who believe in a bright future for journalism. 

Become a Leading Supporter

Our work is made possible by a range of philanthropic partners who care deeply about the power of a free press in society, for those who need it the most.

Join us at the forefront of a global movement to rethink local news as public service.

Contact the Chief Development and Partnerships Officer Kevin Grant for details on becoming a leadership donor.