Leandro Amaya


Reporter Profile

Leandro Amaya was born in Cancas, Peru, in 1993. He has worked as an independent journalists specialized in climate, environmental and social conflict features. His long-form stories have been recognized with awards in Peru and abroad.
In 2020 he received the Young Journalist Award from the Thomson Foundation the Foreign Press Association London (FPA). In 2021 he won the Perú Se Reactiva journalism award, organized by the Society of Foreign Commerce of Peru and Scotiabank. In 2022 he was awarded first place in the journalism contest “Cuidemos el Agua, Cuidemos la Vida” organized by the National Authority for Water of Peru and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Alongside his journalism work, he has participated in environmental workshops as a mentor, including “Periodismo mar adentro,” organized by SOA PERU and the United States Embassy and “Green Journalism also organized by the U.S. Embassy.
He has received scholarships and grants by organizations like Earth Journalism Network, Climate Tracker, which in 2022 selected him to be one of three journalists to attend the program  “Mentorías de Periodismo Climático,” and in 2023 he received support from Independent Media Response Fund to combat climate disinformation.
He has also received the institutional medal of the National University of Piura, awarded for his journalistic achievements outside of Peru.

Beat: Climate change, Environmental and social impact of development