Violeta Santiago

Quinto Elemento

Reporter Profile

Violeta Santiago is a journalist with experience in daily news coverage, narrative and investigative reporting. She is focused on human rights, violence and environmental issues. Prior to becoming a Report for the World corps member, she worked and collaborated with several media outlets like Aristegui Noticias, Gatopardo, El País, Vice News and Corriente Alterna. She’s author of Guerracruz (2019) and Fuegos Fatuos (2022), both books about forced disappearances and violence in southern Mexico.

Violeta holds a Master’s degree in Communication at the Universidad Iberoamericana. She also received the German Walter Reuter Prize for Journalism 2019, was nominated for the Gabo Prize for Journalism 2020 and 2022, won the National Prize for Fine Arts in Literary Chronicle  2021 and received the honorable mention of the Roche Prize for health journalism 2022 for “Challenges facing health care”.

Beat: Investigative reporting