
Mexico is a nexus for some of the biggest stories in the world today: It’s the final leg of the trip of thousands of migrants hoping to enter the United States, it’s one of the biggest manufacturing and commercial partners of countries in the continent and a cultural force that influences countries well beyond its immediate borders. At the same time, the country deals with endemic corruption, a bloody and endless fight against drug cartels and the highest murder rate for journalists in the world. Supporting independent journalism in Mexico is vital to stop impunity and build a more equal society. 

Our First Corps Members

These emerging journalists in Mexico care about public service and are covering stories that inform, engage, strengthen and serve local communities.

Our Local Partners

We’re working with Conexión Migrante and Quinto Elemento Laboratorio de Investigación Periodísticatwo independent, digital news organizations, to support our expansion in  Latin America.

Become a Leading Supporter

We’re always looking for allies who believe in a sustainable and free press in Mexico, especially for communities that need it the most.